Principal's Message

It is with great joy and blessing that I join the family here at CHIJ Our Lady of the Nativity (CHIJ OLN). An IJ girl myself, I had the privilege of experiencing the IJ education in primary and secondary school, first at Convent of Our Lady of Good Counsel (CLGC) and thereafter at St Joseph’s Convent (SJC). Grounded in values and Christian teaching, the 10 years of IJ education has indeed played a major part in making me who I am today. As an educator, I began my teaching experience back at my alma mater, CLGC, believing strongly in wanting to share the IJ experience and culture with future generations, and allowing the IJ spirit to live on.
CHIJ OLN has established itself on a firm foundation through many years of the CHIJ history. The many accolades which the school has received are testimony to the strong belief in quality education as well as the commitment and dedication of the staff, students and parents. This, I am certain, will continue to guide us all as the school continues to grow from strength to strength.
As each child enters the gates of our school, special in her God-given uniqueness, the school provides a variety of student-centric experiences to develop the unique abilities of each child. Grounded on its motto, ‘Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty’, the school has set the pathway to develop “Girls of Today for Tomorrow”. The strong belief in providing an all-round education, where students are developed to grow holistically in the wide range of knowledge and skills identified through the academic, aesthetics, physical, social, moral and emotional domains. Anchored on our GRACIA values, we aim to provide opportunities for students to develop good character, and to explore and develop their talents and potential.
The school prides itself in its staff-valued environment, where all work in unity for the common good of the school and its students. All staff commit themselves to providing quality student engagement in the classroom and developing strong teacher-student rapport for a quality school experience across the six years. As a CHIJ OLN team, we are the light for our students, the beacon in darkness - guiding them in moments of doubt, and teaching them the value of love and the importance of goodness.
In providing each child with quality and valuable learning experiences, the school believes in a healthy home-school partnership. The strong collaborative ties established between parents and the school provide a safe and supportive environment for each child to learn and grow confidently. The staff and parents coming together as exemplary role-models provide a sense of direction for our students and serve as motivation for them to grow and succeed with confidence.
As the educational landscape continues to evolve rapidly, we strive to give our students the best education that they deserve and we wish for all our students to be happy learners in the foundation stage of their educational journey. In the words of John Dewy, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Thus, we look forward to working together with all parents and partners to give the children the love, support and experience they would need as they journey through the 6 years in CHIJ OLN.
May the year be a meaningful and blessed one for all of us - students, staff and parents - as we hold on to our IJ dreams and grow together as an IJ family.
Your partner-in education,
Mrs Karen Tan