School Rules
School Rules
In our CHIJ Schools, we uphold the basic principle of respecting the dignity of each person we interact with. Everyone in our school community has the responsibility for, and a role to play in building a safe learning environment where we treat each other with respect and understanding. As such, our school will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behaviour, including any form of bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation or retaliation.
We expect all students to:
Be courteous, considerate and honest at all times.
Treat others and all property with consideration and respect.
Complete and hand in any homework given punctually.
Move quietly and in an orderly manner from one place to another.
Queue when awaiting their turn.
Keep the school clean at all times.
Be loyal to the school.
Live up to the school motto, 'Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty'.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Students are to wear only white school socks and shoes.
Students must have their name tags ironed onto their school uniform and PE attire.
Students must be neat and properly attired in their school uniform at all times, inside and outside school.
School PE T-shirt
Students are allowed to wear the school’s PE T-shirt the whole day (under their pinafore) on days they have PE lessons.
If students attend SwimSafer lessons, they are to change into the school’s PE T-shirt (under their pinafore) after the session.
Students who are going for camps should report to school in their PE/Camp T-shirt and track pants. Swimming attire can be worn underneath the PE/Camp T-shirt if the first programme for the day involves a water-based activity.
Hair/ Hair Accessories
Hair that touches the collar should be tied up into a ponytail.
Fringe should not touch the eyebrows. Long fringes should be pinned up.
Only plain black hair accessories are allowed.
The black hair accessories should be simple. Fanciful designs like big bows and charms on hair accessories are not allowed.
Students are not allowed to colour their hair.
Ear Studs
Students are allowed to wear small simple ear studs as specified below.
"small”: The ear studs should not be larger than 0.5 cm in diameter.
“simple”: The ear stud should be of a plain design, round and of a single colour, i.e. gold, silver, white or black. It can be made of plastic or metal.
“ear studs”: Students should not wear ear loops/hoops as this is a safety concern. Hoops can catch onto fingers or other objects while playing or during activities, and injuries can and have occurred.
These are some images of ear studs currently used by our girls that are in line with the school rules.

Should a student wear ear studs not in line with the guidelines, parents will be informed and requested to partner the school to help the child comply with the rule. Should the student still not change her ear studs, she will be given a pair of transparent ear sticks to use instead of her ear studs. Parents will then be notified of this. Please note that the school will not be responsible for any loss of the ear studs.
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Handphone and Smart Watch Policy
The school provides students with the use of school-owned ICT devices for technology-enabled lessons. In addition, students should not be distracted by notifications from smartphones or smartwatches during school hours. Should a student need to contact a family member or caregiver in the case of illness or to make transport arrangements, she is to approach the administrative staff in our General Office for assistance.
As such, students are discouraged from bringing personal smartphones and/or smartwatches to schools.
In the event that you require your child to bring her handphone/smart watch to school, please submit your request via the request link in Parents Gateway sent in January 2025.
Please take note of the following conditions that would then apply should your request be approved:
Students are not allowed to use personal digital devices like handphone/smart watches during school hours which include recess, CCA and after-school programme e.g. supplementary/enrichment lessons. Students are not to use their devices to make/receive calls or texts, take pictures or make any form of recording. The only exception is the POSB Smart Buddy watch which can be use during recess.
Devices must be switched off when brought to school.
Students bear responsibility for the safekeeping of their devices e.g. in their lockers/school bags.
Students should use their handphone/smart watch after school hours only to call/text their parents/guardians and not for any other purpose e.g. gaming, using social media, etc. They are to use their handphone/smart watch after school hours at the the two designated areas within the school premises:
Security Guard Post at Side Gate 2
Should the above conditions not be adhered to, the handphone/smart watch will be confiscated and the permission to bring a handphone/smart watch to school may be revoked.
The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the handphone/smart watch brought to school.
Assembly and Flag-raising Ceremony
Be on time for Assembly at 7.30 a.m. from Monday to Friday. Students who are not with their class for Assembly at 7.30 a.m. will be considered late.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with their right fist placed over their heart.
Students must be punctual for school and lessons.
All students are required to attend school daily during the school terms. Under the Singapore Compulsory Education Act, " a child of compulsory school age shall attend regularly as a pupil at a national primary school" .
The school curriculum designed to be implemented over 40 weeks, prepares students academically for the subsequent levels. Much of what is taught is progressive and builds on concepts/content previously taught. As such, students should not be absent from school during term time, even if the examinations are over. Parents/Guardians are requested to support the school in inculcating the values of commitment and responsibility in our students.
Students will be considered absent without valid reason should they go for holidays overseas or staycation during school term as curriculum time is sacrosanct.
Attendance is compulsory on all school days, functions and activities. Students who are absent must inform the school of their absence and present medical certificates or letters from parents/guardians when they return to school.
The school will accept a maximum of 10 letters from parents/guardians per year for their child's/ward's absence from school.
Parents/Guardians must sign the "Permission to Leave School" form in the General Office to take their child/ward home before the official dismissal time.
Guidelines for Late-comers
No. of Times Student is Late |
Action(s) to be Taken |
1 - 3 |
Form Teacher counsels student. Student to complete reflection form if she is late for the third time. |
4 - 6 |
Form Teacher calls/meets parents/guardians. |
more than 6 times |
Year Head and Subject Head Discipline/Discipline Mistress to call/meet parents/guardians. |
A warning letter will be issued to a student who is late 3 times or more in a semester. Late-coming data will be reflected in the report book if a child is late 12 times or more in a semester. Students who are frequently late (20% of the number of days in a semester) will receive a "Fair" conduct grade. |
Possession of Weapons
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
School Assessment Rules
Be punctual.
Do not bring bags, books, papers, notes, mobile phones or other unauthorised personal belongings (such as smart watches, fitness trackers and items with image capturing abilities) into the examination hall/room. Place them outside the assessment room/hall or a place identified by the teacher. If you are found to be in possession of any unauthorised materials, you will be liable to the same penalty as those who are caught cheating during the assessment.
Bring only the stationery required for the assessment. Sharing of stationery during the assessment period is not allowed.
Remain silent once you enter the assessment room/hall.
Follow all instructions given by the teacher.
Inform the teacher immediately by raising your hand should you find that:
A wrong question paper has been given to you.
There is/are missing page(s) or question(s).
The print is unclear.
Start writing only when told to do so.
Raise your hand if you need help from the teacher.
No form of communication is allowed while the assessment is in progress.
Adhere to the duration of the assessment paper.
No used or unused question papers are to be taken out of the assessment room/hall.
Check that you have written your name, index number and class clearly before handing in the assessment papers.
If you are absent for an assessment, you must submit a Medical Certificate (MC) to your Form Teacher. Unwell candidates will not be allowed to sit for the assessment paper.
For P5 and P6 Math assessment, you are to bring your own calculator and mathematical instruments. The school will not provide them. Only authorised calculators are to be used.
For P5 and P6 Mother Tongue Paper 1, only approved dictionaries (without any annotation) are allowed.
If you have missed your WA/Prelims/EYE papers, you will be given a set of the assessment papers as an optional assignment by your subject teacher. You can complete the paper at home. Your subject teacher will mark the assignment and provide feedback on your progress.